At HighLevel (all-in-one marketing CRM), I leveraged my experience building core features for their Funnels & Websites builder to specialize in Ecommerce, Order forms and payment related integrations. This involved developing a robust inventory management system, diverse shipping options, and seamless payment processing directly within the builder. These technical contributions transformed HighLevel's website builder into a powerful Ecommerce platform, empowering businesses to manage online stores and streamline the entire sales process within their existing funnels and websites.
Key focus: Vue.js, Nuxt.js, NodeJS, NestJS, TailwindCSS, GCP, Jenkins
Software Development Engineer - II

As a Software Development Engineer at HighLevel, I specialize in Ecommerce, Order forms and payment related integrations. I have developed a robust inventory management system, diverse shipping options, and seamless payment processing directly within the builder. These technical contributions transformed HighLevel's website builder into a powerful Ecommerce platform, empowering businesses to manage online stores and streamline the entire sales process within their existing funnels and websites.

Funnels & Websites Builder - Ecommerce

As part of the team at HighLevel, I specialized in enhancing the Funnels & Websites builder with advanced Ecommerce functionalities. My contributions included:

- Integrated comprehensive Ecommerce features such as order forms and payment processing to enable businesses to create and manage online stores seamlessly within their existing funnels and websites.

- Built a robust inventory management system to track stock levels and manage product details efficiently, improving operational efficiency for businesses using HighLevel.

- Integrated various shipping solutions, including different carriers and methods, to provide flexibility and convenience for customers, thereby enhancing logistical flexibility for businesses.

- Developed secure payment processing features that support multiple payment methods, allowing businesses to handle transactions efficiently and boosting customer trust.

- Enhanced the website builder with advanced Ecommerce functionalities such as inventory management, shipping options, and payment processing, transforming it into a powerful Ecommerce platform and empowering businesses to streamline their sales processes effectively.

Level Up Award - Nominee

Nominated for the Level Up Award for consistently delivering high-quality code and taking quick ownership of critical features and modules of the Ecommerce module with little to know learning time.